Friday, 18 November 2016

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Planning Production

In todays lesson, i decided what i am going to use for my front cover, contents page, and double paged spread Powered by emaze

Monday, 14 November 2016

Publication Plan


I have chosen the title 'Undiscovered' as I think that it stands out, and I believe that this is relevant to my genre, as I have chosen to create an indie magazine, I think that this word relates to the indie genre. For the question in my Questionnaire I asked what words people link to the indie genre and they gave answers such as 'different' Which I believe conveys as it suggests the type of music the magazine is focused on is very much so and it states something unknown. Moreover, I believe that this style of font fits perfectly in with the genre as it is plain and simple but effective at the same time, which will grab people’s attention, making them want to read my magazine.

Positioning Statement: Discover your indie!

I have chosen to use this positioning statement as it anchors the genre of the magazine which instantly conveys to the audience what the focus of the contents are. This is also a statement with a tone that is going to attract a wider audience. Also, this is a play on words and it plays against my title, making it link.

Price: £3.99

This is going to be my price as when I did my questionnaire people decided that the most that they would pay was mainly in between £3 and £5 and so i have put the price in between so that I can attract a wider audience and makes it more appealing. 

Distribution: Newsagents, supermarkets, concert venues, music stores, airports, train stations, gig venues.

I will distribute my magazine in these places as i believe my target audience are likely to visit these places and so they are more likely to see my magazine and seeing this will attract and appeal to them which is going to make them want to buy my magazine more. 

The magazines approach will focus on what the fans want to read about such as their favourite artists. This will provide unbiased opinions and give insights into famous indie artists live performances. This type of rationale will attract a wider audience as the content focuses on what the fans want to read about


The style will be informal at times and formal at times depending on what the article is about. The informal tone keeps it light hearted and pleasurable to read yet it still provides the information needed for the certain article. There will be the even amount of text and images as that is what my target audience decided they would like within my magazine, and neither the text nor image will dominate the magazine, making it look fair.

Regular content:
·        Editors letter
·        Band of the month
·        Q+A with...
·        Quiz
·        Album review
·        New, Upcoming bands
·        Interviews
·        LIVE!

The regular content will consist of these as this is what my target audience decided they would like to see within my magazine and also it will attract a wider audience having a range of the regular articles. By providing these articles, it will attract a wider audience.

Feature content:
·        Catfish go global?!
·        The 10 top indie artists of all time
·        An interview with Wasted Lights
·        Q+A with The Kooks
·        Concert do’s and don’ts
·        Arctic Monkeys are back and better than ever!!
·        Reading and Leeds Fest reviews…
·        Will success terrify Twenty One Pilots?
·        The Wombats- Why Britain has gone silly for the lords of the indie dancefloor
·        Noel returns! But is he really talking to Liam?
·        Sundara Karma Unleashed
·        NEW album specials- Blossoms, Ratboy and more…
·        Arcade fire’s 411 on how to be indies biggest band
·        Inside The Stone Roses secret show
·        Jake Bugg’s most revealing interview YET!
·        On the road with Foals

House Style:
Headlines:  Microsoft Sans Seriff Bold
Cover lines:  Source sans Prolight
Standfirst: Euphemia
Captions: Myriad Pro
Features First paragraph: Drop Capital, Arial Unicode MS, 4 lines deep, first word in capitals
News first paragraph: First word in capitals
Body text: Malgun gothic

Colour Scheme: Black, white and Burgundy 

Friday, 11 November 2016

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Audio Recordings for Questionnaire

In today's lesson, i have completed audio recordings for my questionnaire

Thursday, 3 November 2016


Ellena Rolfe                                                  Questionnaire                                                                                                                      
Please fill out this questionnaire by circling/writing out your answer

1.How old are you?





2.What is your gender?



3.Name 3 of your favorite Indie artists?




4.What 3 words do you associate with the Indie Genre?




5.What is your favorite color?





Other: .........................

6.How often do you purchase music magazines?




Every now and then  

7.What is the maximum price you would pay for a magazine?





8.Are you interested in upcoming gigs and events?



9.What would make you more likely to buy a music magazine?

Free Gift  


10.What do you like about music magazines?

11.What do you not like about music magazines?

12.How many columns would you expect a double paged spread to have?





13.What features would you like to see in a magazine?


Live show reviews  


Album reviews  

Other: .............................

14.Do you prefer more text or images within a music magazine?



Same amount of both
15.Would you be more drawn to a magazine cover featuring one main image or multiple images?

One main image  

Multiple images  

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Analysis of a professional double paged spread

In today's lesson, i have identified the codes and conventions of a double paged spread and analysed a professional example. Powered by emaze

Monday, 31 October 2016

Analysis of a professional music magazine contents page

In todays lesson, we looked at the codes and conventions of an indie magazine contents page Powered by emaze

Analysis of profesional magazine front covers

In today's lesson, we looked at examples of professional magazine front cover and i have established the codes and conventions of the magazine. Powered by emaze

Inital Plans for my magazine

For my initial plans of my magazine, i have made the following decisions about my magazine:

For my Indie music magazine, i have made the decision to price my magazine at £3.99. This is because from looking at professional magazines they have all priced their magazines at around 33.99 and so i thought that it would be a suitable price for my magazine.

Frequency of Publication;
i think that a suitable frequency of publication is going to be monthly, this is suitable as from my magazines that i have researched they have been published monthly and so i thought that it would be suitable.

Average Issue Size:
The average issue size for my music magazine is going to be 100 pages.

Regular Content:
Regular content for my music magazine is going to be things such as: A gig guide, whats hot this month, competitions, new music this month, reviews.

Feature Articles:
Feature Articles within my magazine is going to be focusing on the main person that is on the front cover of my magazine. It is going to an interview with the main artist.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Researching the Market Place

Today, i researched 3 different indie magazines to look at competitors and to see what they do so it may influence what i do with my magazine Powered by emaze

Inital Ideas

My initial ideas are to produce an Indie magazine with the target audience of people who are interested in the indie genre and enjoy the music and style. An example of an audience member, would be an 18 year old male or female who enjoys bands such as Blossoms, The Wombats, Jake Bugg, Arctic Monkeys, MGMT, Bastille, Sundara Karma... Also they would enjoy finding new music all the time and go to gigs, the perfect example of an audience would be someone who looks at reviews of gigs and music albums also, and they may play an instrument and dress in a indie way, wearing things such as denim jackets and skirts. Also my magazine will be made suitable for both genders and i will make it gender neutural so that i can attract a wider audience and that more people will want to purchase my music magazine

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Evaluation of My School Magazine

In today's lesson i evaluated what we have done for our school magazines answering 3 questions in full detail and giving examples of my strengths and weaknesses, and then explaining what media products i ave used to create my Front page and Contents page of my School Magazine. Powered by emaze

Monday, 17 October 2016

Screenshots for Contents Page

In todays lesson, i took screenshots for my Contents page to show how i made my contents page. Powered by emaze

School Magazine Contents Page

In todays lesson, i made my contents page for my School magazine.

Screenshots for the Front Cover

In todays lesson i took screenshots for my front cover of my school magazine. Powered by emaze

Friday, 14 October 2016

School Magazine Front Cover

Today we made our front covers for our magazines.

Pictures for Premlinary Task

Today we went out of our lesson and we took pictures for our school magazine front cover and contents page.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Plans for the preliminary task

In todays lesson, we made plans for our school magazines and we took pictures of them, making them into a gif.

Codes and Conventions of a Double Page Spread

In todays lesson, we discovered the codes and conventions of a Double Page Spread and we made power-points on them. Powered by emaze

Monday, 10 October 2016

Codes and Conventions of a Contents Page

In todays lesson, we looked at the codes and conventions of a contents page and made a powerpoints about all of the different codes and conventions Powered by emaze

Codes and Conventions of a Music Magazine front cover

In todays lesson, we looked at the codes and conevntions of a Music magazine Front cover and we created powerpoints to identify all of the codes and conventions. Powered by emaze

Friday, 7 October 2016

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

The Brief

In today's lesson, we discovered the course outline.
preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce a front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close up plus some appropriately laid out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a mock up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.
Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine.
All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidates, minimum of four images per candidate.